Become a Member

Become a Member Today!

2023 Membership is now open! To join, please complete and submit the application below.

The Idaho Wool Growers Association is an organization of sheep producers with a mission to promote the production and consumption of lamb and wool and to assist all persons engaged in the sheep industry through: providing consumers with quality lamb and wool products, marketing our products to the best advantage, obtaining lower rates on feed and supplies, protecting the industry against the enactment of laws, policy and regulations which negatively impact business, and protecting livestock from predation, poisoning, theft and disease.

Your membership helps provide the sheep industry with the ability to support itself and strengthen its voice.

Thank You!

Member Benefits Include:

  • Subscription to the Idaho Wool Growers Bulletin
  • Website
  • Calendar of Events
  • 4 State Annual Convention: Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming
  • Membership Discount on Sheep Shoppe products
  • Representation at the State’s Animal Damage Control Boards
  • Opportunity to advertise products and Services
  • Business and Associate members will have opportunities for being listed as an IWGA supporter and being available for producers to connect with
  • National Affiliation Membership: American Sheep Industry Association (ASI), American Lamb Board, Public Lands Council (PLC)
  • Put on Email List for industry updates including topics or issues from American Sheep Industry (ASI), Public Lands Issues, and Politics –state and national
  • Each Member is Issued $2,000 Worth of Coverage for Accidental Death Insurance at No Cost To The Member
  • Representation at the State’s Animal Damage Control Boards
  • Bi-Annual Board Meetings
  • Legislative Updates and Contacts

Please print and fill out the application below. Then send it, with your check, to Idaho Wool Growers Association, 2118 W Airport Way, Boise ID 83642

If you would like to pay by credit card, please call the office at 208-344-2271. Thanks so much!

Officers & Directors

John Peterson

Jack Blattner
Vice President

Liz Wilder
Executive Director

Frank Shirts
Western District Director

J.C. Siddoway
Eastern District Director

Bill Rickabaugh
Northern District Director

Mark Henslee
Central District Director

Blake Ball
Director at Large

Forrest Arthur
Director at Large

Carol Finney
Director at Large

Two officers and seven directors serve the Idaho Sheep Industry.  Four of the directors are elected by the membership to represent districts in Southwest, Southeast, South Central and Northern Idaho.  Three directors are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the president.

The president and vice president serve three-year terms, but stand for re-election annually.  The seven directors, along with the president and vice-president direct the affairs of the Idaho Wool Growers Association.

Board of Trustees

Dr. Marie Bulgin

Michael Guerry

Harry Soulen

John Noh

John Faulkner

Jeff Siddoway

Henry Etcheverry

Barry Duelke

James Mays

Brad Little

Ken Wixom

The Board of Trustees is made up of the past presidents of the Association.

Member Directory

First NameLast NameBusiness NameAddress
AimeeMossburghPost Falls, ID
Albertson's LibraryBoise, ID
AliciaDredgeCD RanchesRupert, ID
AllenBaltzorJorden Valley, OR
AnnWilsonHammett Livestock CompanyHammett, ID
ArtYoungPingree, ID
BarryDuelkeDuelke Sheep CompanyBuhl, ID
BenRoundyMonteview, ID
BillBlattnerKuna, ID
BillRickabaughRickwood Sheep FarmPriest River, ID
BradLittleHighland Livestock & LandEmmett, ID
BrentShepherdSpanish Fork, UT
BrettWilderWilder Sheep Company8500 Joplin Road Caldwell ID 83605
BrettWilliamsWilliams Farm and Ranch, LLCMoore, ID
BrookeOlerTwin Falls, ID
BruceAnkenyAnkeny AcresNampa, ID
CalebPircGood Shepherd FarmMeridian, ID
CarmelaBarinagaGrandview, ID
CarolFinneyFinney LivestockBuhl, ID
ChaseCarsonSalem, UT
ChrisSabeyWallsburg, UT
CoryDoggettKimberley, ID
DallasFairchildFairchild Sheep ShearingBuhl, ID
DanaeKlimesDL Evans BankBurley, ID
DanielWillmsDeSmet, ID
DavidDallingHamer, ID
David RogersRupert, ID
DavidWempEmmett, ID
DebraMittelstadtLaughing Stock FarmFiler, ID
DennisBurksMeridian, ID
DL Evans BankBurley, ID
DonPickettPickett Ranch & Sheep Co.
DonnaMaysLost River LivestockRigby, ID
DouglasSayerPocatello, ID
Earl ChristensenBurley, ID
EarlWarthenAlbion, ID
EddSabeyHeber, UT
EricHasselstromHasselstrom Farm and RanchWinchester, ID
Farmer's BankBuhl, ID
ForrestArthurPaul, ID
Frank, Jr.ShirtsWilder, ID
Fred or JayFaulknerDiamond A LivestockGooding, ID
FredaCennarusaBoise, ID
GeraldTewsTews Land & LivestockFiler, ID
Gerrit ShilperoortSunnyside, WA
HarrySoulenWeiser, ID
HenryEtcheverryEtcheverry Sheep CompanyRupert, ID
RustyKramerFairfield, ID
IkeMaxwellDayton, WA
JackBlattnerBlattner SuffolksKuna, ID
JackThomasonThomason RanchCambridge, ID
JamesWhittakerLeadore, ID
JasonYoungkinYoungkin SuffolksStar, ID
JeffSiddowaySiddoway Sheep Company Inc.Terreton, ID
JeremyFalkMoscow, ID
JerrySweeneyClayton, WA
JoeSmithSmith Club LambsNampa, ID
JoeZuegerAdrian, OR
JoelShepherdMoroni, UT
JoelTeuscherTeuscher Sheep RanchGeneva, ID
JohnBaldersonBalderson ShearingCouncil, ID
JohnEagleCambridge, ID
JohnFaulknerFaulkner Land & LivestockGooding, ID
JohnNohNoh Sheep CompanyKimberley, ID
John or RobertBuruscoBurusco FarmsAberdeen, ID
JohnPeavyFlat Top Sheep CompanyCarey, ID
JohnPetersonEmmett, ID
JohnPhillipsJ & P Phillips RanchPaul, ID
John, Jr.JonesHagerman, ID
John, Jr.OdiagaJerome, ID
JosephHolbrookSandy, UT
JudiMaultLazy J RanchEmmett, Idaho
KatitaSlempWindermere ProfessionalsBoise, ID
KeithSalisburyBlackfoot, ID
Kelly WarePaige LemckeBroken Creek FarmGreenleaf, ID
KenWixomBlackfoot, ID
KimMonkGenesee, ID
KimRoyerDixie Creek RanchCambridge, ID
KirkChandlerWeiser, ID
LarryJewettDBA Jewett Club LambsMountain Home, ID
LarryWhittierWhittier RanchMay, ID
LeonardRiccioL Bar E FarmMiddleton, ID
LivBrusseauCergin Livestock
LorilynQuilliamWild Horse RiverCouncil, ID
LowellJagelsBuhl, ID
Macie YoureeTwin Falls, ID
MarieBulginCergin Livestock CompanyCaldwell, ID
MarilynVolpeFairfield, ID
MaryPetersonCarey, ID
MelanieWetzsteinMJ Valley LambsBuhl, ID
MeribethLomkinJerome, ID
MickCarlsonCarlson LivestockRiggins, ID
MikeDuffBlackfoot, ID
MikeGuerryGuerry IncorporatedCastleford, ID
MikeMcNabbInkom, ID
MikeOlsenGenola, UT
MikeSecrestSecrest Sheep and CattleHagerman, ID
MikeSterlingWool River RanchParma, ID
MikeWilderStar, ID
MiltRusselProsser, WA
MonicaYoureeWestern Range AssociationTwin Falls, ID
Paige LemckeKelly WareGreanleaf, ID
PatrickErstromErstrom SuffolksVale, OR
Pendleton Woolen MillsPortland, OR
PeterJanssWalking J RanchBliss, ID
RaulCarlsonCarlson LivestockRiggins, ID
RayHoemBuhl, ID
RayMooreMoore Land & LivestockFiler, ID
RexLarsenPreston, ID
RichardGutierrezGutierrez Family FarmNampa, ID
RobertBallBall Brothers SheepLewisville, ID
RodGordonMeridian, ID
RonaldMossHamer, ID
RossShurtzBurley, ID
RusselClancyRocky Mountain RanchEmmett, ID
MarkHensleeSalmon Falls SheepHagerman, ID
SamBoydBoise, ID
SamHolderSelect Goat LLCGeorgetown, ID
ShawnHoemEmmett, ID
StanBoydEagle, ID
SusiLarroceaMeridian, ID
TimMacKenzieMacKenzieHomedale, ID
TJShepherdMona, UT
ToddLloydDingle, ID
TomRichRich Livestock CompanyJackson, ID
TomWatsonSilverdale FarmsHermiston, OR
TomYankeyWeiser, ID
VernonFairchildFairchild Shearing LLCBuhl, ID
VickiLaidlawMeridian, ID
VirginiaBaltzorCaldwell, ID
W. N.BrailsfordFlying TriangleHagerman, ID
WadeWilliamsSpanish Fork, UT
WayneStoneSpanish Fork, UT
WendellAdamsAdams' SuffolkHayden, ID
Western Range AssociationTwin Falls, ID
WilliamBradleyIdaho Falls, ID


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